Conestoga Student Success

Ask for Help 

Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you having trouble navigating a situation you've encountered at Conestoga? Do you think you might benefit from extra support?

Student Success Advisors (SSAs)

Student Success Advisors are here to help you navigate academic policies and procedures, and the college in general. They are located at every campus and many specialize in specific academic programs. Your SSA can assist with your academic journey by coaching, supporting, and guiding you on your academic goals.

Contact your SSA for help with:

  • planning for an academic program, including program requirements and course changes
  • understanding college systems, policies, and procedures
  • referrals to academic, wellness, and personal support resources, and
  • strategies for making informed decisions and achieving goals

Current students can book an appointment and learn about our drop-in services on the Student Success Portal.

If you are a staff or faculty member looking to help a student, please visit the Student Success Services Faculty & Staff page.

Conestoga College